Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $97,263
- Total Ordered Items: 1470
- PPC Sales: $13,500.00
- PPC ACOS: 11.46%
Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $205,802.00
- Total Ordered Items: 2665
- PPC Sales: $39,140.00
- PPC ACOS: 7.35%
Here’s everything we did to get the results:
- Created Automated campaigns to maintain the ACOS and checked them daily to avoid any last minute surprises
- Worked on listing Buybox and it in turn helped to achieve sustainable growth. It increased the organic discovery and with better PPC campaign as well
- As AMZ does not allow to create variation for Beauty and personal care products, we carried out product grouping which resulted bifurcating them as per their use or treatment
- Added negative keywords to reduce the spend
- Micro-level bid adjustment to keep a check on ACOS