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What are the details required while creating your first FBA shipment?

Details required for first FBA shipment

  • Product and case/box measurement

  • Ship-from address (full address with contact number)

  • Label and prep details (who labels and who preps)

  • Shipping service

Step-by-step details to create the first FBA shipment

1) Your ship-from full address (with zip code and contact number)

Enter the complete ship-from address with the contact person’s name, address, and phone number.

2) Unit and case/box details and measurement

Add specific details such as:

  • Number of units per case/box (for example, ten units per case)

  • Number of cases to ship (for example, a product has ten cases)

  • Product packaging dimensions, including the unit's dimensions with packaging for all ASINs

  • Case dimensions (you can add this in the link provided below)

  • Expiration date (if applicable)

3) Who preps and who labels

Who preps: Specify if the seller (you) will prepare the products or if Amazon will do it for a fee.

Who labels: Specify if the seller will label the products or if Amazon will apply labels. Amazon charges $0.55 per unit for labeling.

4) Shipping mode and carrier details

Shipping mode: Choose between small parcel delivery (SPD) for shipments less than 150 lbs or less than truckload (LTL) for shipments more than 150 lbs.

Shipping carrier: Choose either Amazon’s partnered carriers or other carriers.


  • Box and case dimensions: Ensure that the box dimensions do not exceed 25 x 25 x 25 inches

  • Weight limit: The box or case should not exceed 50 lbs