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What are the details required while creating your first FBA shipment?
Details required for first FBA shipment
Product and case/box measurement
Ship-from address (full address with contact number)
Label and prep details (who labels and who preps)
Shipping service
Step-by-step details to create the first FBA shipment
1) Your ship-from full address (with zip code and contact number)
Enter the complete ship-from address with the contact person’s name, address, and phone number.
2) Unit and case/box details and measurement
Add specific details such as:
Number of units per case/box (for example, ten units per case)
Number of cases to ship (for example, a product has ten cases)
Product packaging dimensions, including the unit's dimensions with packaging for all ASINs
Case dimensions (you can add this in the link provided below)
Expiration date (if applicable)
3) Who preps and who labels
Who preps: Specify if the seller (you) will prepare the products or if Amazon will do it for a fee.
Who labels: Specify if the seller will label the products or if Amazon will apply labels. Amazon charges $0.55 per unit for labeling.
4) Shipping mode and carrier details
Shipping mode: Choose between small parcel delivery (SPD) for shipments less than 150 lbs or less than truckload (LTL) for shipments more than 150 lbs.
Shipping carrier: Choose either Amazon’s partnered carriers or other carriers.
Box and case dimensions: Ensure that the box dimensions do not exceed 25 x 25 x 25 inches
Weight limit: The box or case should not exceed 50 lbs