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What are the types of promo codes on Amazon?
There are five ways to create a promotion (or discount) inside your Amazon Seller Central account.
1. Percentage off promotional code
When most Amazon sellers hear "promo code," this is usually what comes to mind. Percentage off promo codes are the most common type of discount codes.
Using a percentage-off code allows you to create a discount between 1% and 99% for any or all products in your catalog. These codes also allow you to create a tiered discount structure. For example:
Buy 1 unit and get 10% off.
Buy 2 units and get 15% off.
Buy 3 units and get 20% off.
This is particularly useful for driving additional sales of your product, especially if it's a product that encourages repeat purchases (like a supplement or food item) or an item that makes a great gift.
Amazon has three different types of "codes" under the umbrella of percentage-off codes:
One-time use codes: This is likely the most familiar type. With one-time use codes, each generated code can only be used for one purchase by the customer. Even if they add multiple products to their cart, the discount applies to each item. While the code restricts the number of purchases, it does not limit the number of products your customer can buy. If you want to stop people from buying more than one product, you'll need to edit the "Max Order Quantity" in the listing details.
Group claim codes: Group claim codes work similarly to one-time use codes, but with this option, you can create one code that can be used multiple times by different customers.
No code: Selecting the "no code" option lets you create a promotional discount that can be redeemed without any code.
2. Social media codes
Social Media promo codes are a specific type of percentage-off code made for promotion on social media (like Facebook or Twitter). They have some interesting features:
You can limit the number of units the code can be redeemed for.
You can create a landing page to drive your followers to and even send these codes to Amazon-approved influencers for broader traction.
3. Buy one get one promotional codes
Buy One/Get One promo codes allow customers to purchase one item (item X) and get another (item Y) free. This is great for higher-end products because it allows you to offer extra value without discounting the main product.
4. Coupons
Amazon Coupons (different from promo codes) are a newer discount method Amazon offers. These coupons are a great way to attract price-sensitive shoppers by providing a clear discount at checkout.
5. Deals
The final type of discount is what’s known as a Deal. Deals differ from promo codes and coupons because the product must meet specific Amazon criteria to be selected for a deal.
You can’t simply create deals like with other discounts—you must wait for Amazon to select your product. There's also a hefty fee (typically $150+) that must be paid in addition to the discount for the deal to be listed.
Deals get additional Amazon "marketing might" behind them, including emails to relevant customers and dedicated pages for current deals.
There are two types of deals within Amazon:
Lightning Deals: Lightning Deals are time- and quantity-restricted. They’re only available for a few hours (usually up to 6) or until the available stock (e.g., 100 units) sells out, whichever comes first. Once the items sell out, the deal ends (hence the name "lightning").
7-Day Deals: As the name suggests, 7-Day Deals can last up to 7 days. They are treated similarly to lightning deals in terms of marketing but run for a longer duration.