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20K Sales Increase in a Month!

20K Sales Increase in a Month!

20K Sales Increase in a Month!

Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: $44,631.80

  • Total Ordered Items: 3,582

  • PPC Sales: $21,231.93

  • PPC ACOS: 19.66%

Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: $61,165.17

  • Total Ordered Items: 4,943

  • PPC Sales: $29,132.95

  • PPC ACOS: 17.34%

Here’s everything we did to get the results:

  • A thorough analysis of the search term report and targeting negative keywords to decrease spending

  • Targeting competitor products with Sponsored Display ads to lure customers off their product detail pages

  • We have started Auto PPC campaigns to achieve early sales and also use keywords from the customer search terms reports and add profitable and negative keywords.

  • We also have started manually targeting PPC campaigns by doing keyword research to boost our PPC sales

  • We have added negative keywords from customer search terms reports to reduce spend and lower the ACoS