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£65K Sales Increase in a Month!

£65K Sales Increase in a Month!

£65K Sales Increase in a Month!

Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: £22,353

  • Total Ordered Items: 128

  • PPC Sales: 

  • PPC ACOS: 

Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: £87,760

  • Total Ordered Items: 533

  • PPC Sales: £50,314

  • PPC ACOS: 15.23%

Here’s everything we did to get the results:

  • We had implemented aggressive PPC to boost the sales as for March month we do not have the BuyBox due to account health issues.

  • Added profitable KWs from search term reports to the existing campaigns. We had also created a new campaign using STR.

  • We had created PAT campaigns to get more visibility by targeting top competitors which helps us to generate more sales.

  • We had created ad groups by targeting the root category of the listings.

  • From the competitors’ research, we had created coupons and activated sale price by comparing the list price of competitors.