After launching the Budget page, Amazon launched a new feature. Budget rules help advertisers efficiently plan and monitor their campaigns by setting budget specifications in advance. For example, you can set rules to increase the daily campaign budget on Prime Day, Black Friday, or even on weekends to ensure your campaigns don’t go out of budget and reduce manual effort spent on adjusting your campaign budgets.
There are two types of budget rules you can select from:
• Schedule-based rules will increase the campaign budget by the percentage you specify during the date range you set in the rule.
• Performance-based rules allow you to set rules to increase your Sponsored Product campaign budgets only when your campaigns meet a certain performance threshold.
How does it work?
The rule will increase your campaign budget by the percentage you specify during the date range you set.
How to get started with Budget rules?
Head to campaign manager, select the campaign you want to apply Budget rules to and select Budget rules in the sidebar.
Benefits of budget rule:
• Prevents campaigns from going out of budget, so your shoppers are still able to see your ads
• Get useful recommendations based on historical shopping activities, campaign similarity and marketplace seasonality
• Plan and set campaign budget ahead in holidays, sales events, or anticipation of higher traffic
• Save time & manual effort. Let Amazon automatically increase your campaign budget
Leveraging this new feature can surely help you improve your PPC performance. Another way is to hire Amazon PPC Consultants from eStore Factory. With us, you won’t have to worry about getting out of budget or out of your target ACOS ever.