Instead of creating new ads, the seller can copy campaigns that are currently running, have already ended, or are archived. The seller can also copy campaigns that were not approved and can make necessary changes so that they can comply with Amazon's ad guidelines before resubmitting.
To copy a campaign in the campaign manager:
- Navigate to Campaigns.
- Click All Campaigns.
- Find the campaign you want to copy.
- Click Copy under the Action column for your campaign.
- Modify and create your copied campaign using the steps for your campaign type: Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Products, Sponsored Display, Lockscreen Ads, and Sponsored Products campaigns using custom text.
Note: Performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, and sales are not copied to the new campaign. Sponsored Product campaigns are generally eligible to go live as soon as you submit them. Sponsored Displays, Lockscreen Ads, Sponsored brand ads, and Sponsored Product campaigns promoting Book ASINs are considered "pending" while Amazon is reviewing them. The review process is usually completed within 24 hours but may take as long as three business days. We will email you once your ad has been reviewed.