Sometimes we are just curious to know the inventory of Hijacker, so we can expect his exit from the listing. Well in this case, here you go.
So, how do you get the stock on hand of the product?
- First, open the product listing of the ASIN you want to get the inventory for.
- For example, let's take Ir Illuminator in USA.
- Open the HTML Source Code of this page. Simply click the [CTRL]+"U" key combination, or use right-mouse-click and select the "View Page Source" menu item.
- Activate the text search function on the HTML source page by clicking the [CTRL]+"F" key combination and search for the word "stockonhand" or "stock".
- If the browser finds the "stockOnHand"/"Stock" word - look for the number next to it. This will be the number of units this product has in stock!
Following our Ir Illuminator example - at the time of record, they were having 9 units in stock.