
Targeting page launched in the advertising console – August 23, 2021

Posted by Jimi Patel | August 24, 2021

Easily view the performance of your targeted keyword or product with the targeting page. This new feature allows advertisers to easily identify what keywords and targeted products are working best for their campaign. The page also shows the suggested bid (which you can apply directly) and key metrics like impressions, clicks, sales, spend and ROAS. You can also measure the performance at a glance by looking at the graphical representation.

By introducing a dedicated page for Budget and Targeting Amazon is making it easier for advertisers to measure and optimize the performance of their campaigns. However, PPC is not a set it and forget it thing. Let our Amazon PPC Experts manage and scale your PPC campaigns while you can sit back and watch your sales skyrocket and ACOS drop.

Targeting page launched in the advertising console

Published by Jimi Patel

Jimi Patel, is a Co-founder and CEO at eStore Factory, an Amazon SPN certified agency that serves as a one-stop solution for all your Amazon business needs. Having helped countless brands increase sales and grow their footprint on Amazon, Jimi provides the most practical and effective solutions for your business. He is highly skilled in developing and executing plans that align with your specific business goals and objectives. When not working, Jimi enjoys practicing yoga and traveling to new places. He is an avid reader and enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the e-commerce industry.

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