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A PPC Trick Most Successful Amazon Sellers Use

A PPC Trick Most Successful Amazon Sellers Use

A PPC Trick Most Successful Amazon Sellers Use

When it comes to creating Amazon advertising campaigns, every keyword you use and every campaign you create has a purpose. It is a strategic game; if you do not have a detailed plan before you start making campaigns, then you would end up losing dollars; forget reaching your advertising goal. Most of the successful sellers and name brands have followed this method to reach where they are now. Read this blog post to know more about how you should plan your campaigns and magnify your sales and profitability.

The types of campaigns based on goals:

types of campaigns based on goals

#1: Awareness campaigns

As the name suggests, awareness campaigns are targeted towards accelerating brand awareness. They are all about finding new keywords, attracting potential shoppers and making the shoppers aware of your brand and product line. While creating this type of campaign, you should add all the search terms that you think are relevant to your products. This can include a variety of keywords ranging from vague top-of-the-funnel phrases to highly-specific bottom-of-the-funnel phrases. We can call this campaign more of a trial and error thing because you don’t exactly know if the keywords are going to work or not. Most of the time, sellers make the mistake of assuming that their awareness campaigns will drive sales. As a result, they expect their orders to be high, ACOS to be low and profitability at the peaks. But when they don’t see the anticipated results, they lose hope.

Awareness campaigns

The first and foremost thing to keep in mind while creating awareness campaigns is that they are not built to increase sales or get a good ROAS. Their sole purpose isn’t to increase sales but to make more and more shoppers skimming through Amazon search result pages aware of your brand. I know the question that just popped your head…then what’s the point in creating these campaigns? These campaigns are like the pillar of a building. From these campaigns, you will get new keywords to bid on and you will get a list of profitable keywords that work. Based on this list of keywords, you will make the performance campaigns.

#2: Conversion campaigns

Conversion campaigns

Quite self-explanatory, the only goal of conversion campaigns is increasing sales and improving conversions. Unlike awareness campaigns, they are targeted towards performance. Each keyword should be scaled in order to improve its performance and ROAS. Your conversion campaigns should be jam-packed with only the exact match keywords that have a sales history in your awareness campaigns. If a particular keyword has more than 5 orders in a history of 15 days, then it can be a good candidate for the conversion campaign. This threshold will help keep the weed out the one-off purchase keywords from the list. For example, if a customer has bought beer can sleeve as a party favor and used the search term “cooler sleeve party favor,” then using this keyword is of no use because this type of order isn’t going to be repeated again as it was placed under unique circumstances. Thus using this keyword in the campaign isn’t going to get you any sales, so better not use it.

Why should you create campaigns based on goals?

campaigns based on goals

Your sponsored ad campaigns should align with the buying journey of your shoppers. The awareness campaigns should align with the initial stage of awareness and consideration while the conversion campaigns represent the purchase stage of the funnel. Let us see how it works: a customer is looking to buy sports shoes. He types one of the awareness-based keywords into the search bar and gets interested in your product when the ad gets featured. Although he doesn’t buy it because he doesn’t want to place his trust in a new brand right away, then he uses one of the bottom-of-the-funnel search terms and uses one of the conversion keywords. After a few searches, he loops back to your product and it is because he has now gained confidence in your brand.

If your brand is younger, it needs more and more visibility to improve customer trust. Because of this reason, they should focus more on awareness campaigns to find more and more keywords that convert well. A just-launched brand should allocate about 60% of the budget to awareness campaigns and 40% of the budget to conversion campaigns. As your brand matures gradually, you can shift the excess budget to conversion campaigns and maximize sales.

How to begin

So now, when you know which keyword belongs to which campaign, it’s time to set up your campaign. First and foremost, you will have to start with the Amazon keyword research for each product. If you need some of the tips on keyword research, here are a few that can help you. Whatever relevant keyword you have harvested from the keyword research, add them in your awareness campaign. Review the performance of your awareness campaign, download the search term report and identify the profitable keywords that converted better and more profitably. Add those keywords in your conversion campaigns and they are bound to work.

Here it is necessary to organize your campaigns internally as well, meaning you must separate the branded and non-branded keywords and broad, phrase and exact keywords. More importantly, your campaign name should also include these elements that help them differentiate from each other:

  • Ad Type + Profitable

  • Ad Type + High Performing

  • Ad Type + Low Performing

  • Ad Type + Broad/Phrase/Exact

Having an organized campaign structure will significantly help during bid scaling and adjustment. When your campaign has a cocktail of all the types of keywords, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of data. For instance, if your performance campaign is filled with branded, non-branded, broad, phrase and exact keywords all in one ad group, then you won’t be able to scale any of the keywords because the data is too diverse to decode.

Knowing the goals of your campaign is the key to success

Knowing the goals

If you are clear about your campaign goal, you are bound to succeed because you will then add the appropriate keywords, you will know when to scale an action. You won’t freak out because of the high ACOS in the awareness campaigns and you will know what keywords to add in the conversion campaigns. Any seller can earn great returns on every dollar spent as long as they make and manage campaigns keeping in mind the objective of the campaigns. Also, don’t forget to make your product detail pages retail ready with our Amazon Product Optimization services.But always remember, PPC is not a set-it-and-forget-it thing. It needs micro-level management and everyday scaling. The relevancy of keyword can change; the keyword which was profitable up until now can become a burden on your campaigns. In the same way, the keywords which are there in your awareness campaigns may turn into eligible candidates for conversion campaigns after a few months. For achieving success in PPC, you will have to open your campaign manager every day, scale the keywords, weed out the unprofitable ones, add new, adjust bids, harvest negative keywords and so much more. Did it all sound too overwhelming to you? If yes, you can hire expert Amazon consultants and Amazon seller experts from eStore Factory. Our team of Amazon PPC specialists is seasoned in handling accounts of hundreds of sellers. Our strategic approach to PPC management will help you get your desired results. Contact Us now.