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Preparing For Valentine's Day 2021

Preparing For Valentine's Day 2021

Preparing For Valentine's Day 2021

Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day sellers!

Valentine’s Day brings joy and love for not just couples but also for Amazon sellers. It is a ray of light in an almost-quiet and mostly-depressing Q1 of the year. If like every Amazon seller, you feel that your business has slowed down since Christmas then Valentine’s Day is a can’t-miss opportunity to make up for the lost sales.

But this year’s Valentine’s Day is unlike any other. With pandemic in the mix and online shopping in its boom, it is likely that Valentine’s Day 2021 sales will be higher than ever. The following tips will help you effectively prep your Amazon store for a very profitable Valentine’s Day.

Tip #1: Start taking Valentine’s Day more seriously

Start taking Valentine’s Day more seriously

Image reference: Contact Pigeon

It’s the biggest holiday since Christmas and the first consumer holiday of the year. Most Amazon sellers experience a sales slump after the holiday season. Valentine’s Day is a unique opportunity to give your reduced sales a much-needed lift. Even if you are not selling typical Valentine’s Day products, you can position your products as a non-typical, unique V-day gift.

Tip #2: Start now

Start now

Although Valentine’s Day holiday is not as long as the winter holiday season, it’s still vital to plan at least 15 days ahead. Keyword searches for Valentine’s Day spikes by 136% in January and about 1000% in February, so if you haven’t planned yet, you are missing out on major opportunities. Schedule a meeting with your Amazon Seller Consultant, start optimizing your listing and images, begin Valentine’s Day ad campaigns, stock up on inventory and run your off Amazon promotion activities starting from today.

Tip #3: Dress your product detail page appropriately

Displaying the spirit of Valentine’s Day will enhance your customer’s experience and will make them feel like they’re in the right place to find their gifts. Here are some of the things you can do to get your product detail page in the Valentine’s Day spirit: 1) Include an image that highlights your holiday promotion and discount. 2) Include an image that highlights your product as the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. 3) Add a bullet point that showcases the product as giftable. You can always hire Amazon listing optimization experts for this.

Tip #4: Offer super-fast shipping

Offer super-fast shipping

This question is for all the men out there: How many of you remember to buy Valentine’s Day gifts for your girlfriend/wife before she asks you a week before, “Babe what did you get me for Valentine’s?”. Precisely my point. Valentine’s Day is unarguably a last-minute holiday. According to Text Marketer, about 40% of the people make their purchase just a week before the holiday. To help all the shoppers who forgot to get their partners a present on time (and are searching on Google for last minute valentine’s day gift ideas), provide a super-fast two-day shipping option. If you are shipping the product yourself, update your listing to let the customers know that you can get the product delivered before the holiday.

Tip #5: Spread the love with advertising

Spread the love with advertising

What is seen more, sells more. Start aggressive Valentine’s Day promotion campaigns from the last week of January and don’t stop until 13th February (remember what we told you about the last minute shoppers). Getting your products in front of the shoppers isn’t enough. You’ll have to give them a discount to seal the deal. Always remember, whether it’s Christmas, Thanksgiving or Valentine’s Day, shoppers are looking for a “great deal” in order to make a purchase. A survey conducted by National Retail Federation survey found that shoppers won’t hesitate to buy expensive products if they find a really good promotion or discount.

Important: Use various ad types, don’t just rely on Sponsored Product Ads. Use Sponsored Brand Ads to build brand awareness and catch shopper’s attention or Sponsored Display Ads to lure customers from your competitor’s detail pages.

Tip #6: There’s more than romance on Valentine’s Day

Amazon Sponsored Product Ads

Repeat after me: Valentine’s Day is not just for couples. This day holds different meaning for everyone in the world. People spend Valentine’s Day with their pets, parents, kids, friends and anyone they love. So, you don’t need to be selling chocolates, champagne, teddy bears or flowers to capitalize on the rise in shoppers in early February. Anything that is giftable can be marketed on Valentine’s Day. For example, a pet product seller can run ad campaigns highlighting their pet products and add an attractive tagline, “For Your Four-Legged Valentine”.

Tip #7: Make sure shoppers are able to find you

Make sure shoppers are able to find you

Dressing your listing with V-Day themed content and images is for the customers but don’t forget to add valuable gift-related keywords in your copy so Amazon can bring your product in front of relevant shoppers. Your title, bullet points, description and even the backend search terms should contain high volume phrases like, “Valentine’s Day gift”, “For Him”, “For Her”, “Romantic Gift” and more. Adding these types of keywords in our listing is a great way to get in front of shoppers who are looking for the perfect gift for their partner. Helium10 and Merchant Words are some of the best Amazon keyword tools to mine profitable keywords.

Important: Don’t write “Perfect Gift” in your title or your listing will be blocked and this is something you definitely don’t want to happen right before a holiday.

Tip #8: Motivate shoppers to treat themselves

Motivate shoppers to treat themselves

Self-love is another excellent opportunity to target shoppers who aren’t in a relationship. Imagine they’re scrolling through their social media feed with no intention of buying anything on Valentine’s Day but they come across your ad saying, “Be your own reason to smile” or “Be the love you never received”. This can encourage the shoppers to buy something for themselves and get a well-deserved treat. They learn to love themselves, you get your sales – everyone is happy!

Tip #9: Take advantage of Influencer marketing

Take advantage of Influencer marketing

How many of us have searched in Google for “Valentine’s Day gift ideas''? All of us. We read the blogs from the search result pages and then decide on what to get for our Valentine. Do you think the person who wrote the blog has tried hundreds of Valentine’s Day giftable products and then created a list of top 10? Of course no. The sellers have paid the blogger and yet everyone who reads the blog blindly trusts the blogger and finds their ideal V-Day gift. You can do the same thing. Type Valentine’s Day gift ideas in Google, contact a few bloggers whose blog rank on the first page and ask them to add your product in the list. It might sound a bit pricey but the results are worth it.

Tip #10: Create a hype off Amazon

amazon storefront design

Here are some ideas for your off Amazon promotion campaigns:

  • Engage with your existing shoppers via email marketing campaigns and notify them about the promotion you are running for the holiday

  • Reengage with the help of Facebook & Instagram ads

  • Host a social media contest to spread brand awareness

  • Run polls and host quizzes

Tip #11: Leverage bundles

Leverage bundles

It’s said that love has no price tag…or a budget. Keeping that in mind, you can lure your shoppers to increase their overall order value using bundles and cross selling promotions. For example, you can motivate a shopper to purchase earrings at a discounted price along with the necklace. This not only increases money in your pocket but you are giving your shoppers a beautiful gift set at a discounted rate, It’s a win-win situation for both.

Rose are red, violets are blue

Valentine’s or not, we’re there for you

Amazon Consultants at eStore Factory are here to help you….be it Valentine’s Day, Christmas or just a normal day of the year. Hiring Amazon Experts cannot only free you from the hassles of managing your Amazon business full time but our dedicated team support and well-thought techniques can bring great results. Wishing you and everyone you love a happy Valentine’s Day full of love, laughter, joy and of course sales!