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Tips To Write Amazon Bullet Points That Sell

Tips To Write Amazon Bullet Points That Sell

Tips To Write Amazon Bullet Points That Sell

Your product detail page is your virtual store shelf and your listing copy is the salesperson. Every shopper that "steps in" your product detail page should be fed with all the information a salesperson would. Your copy should predict and answer the most common customer questions as well as highlight the USPs of the product. Unfortunately, most sellers choose to focus on their title. When you ask them how they optimized their listing, the answer would be how they did keyword research from the top Amazon keyword tool, how they carefully studied titles of competitors and incorporated their keywords in their title and how they utilized the maximum number of characters allowed by Amazon. Don't get me wrong; I am not underestimating the importance of the title. Your title helps your product rank, but your bullets help your product sell. They are a prime real estate and a great place to effectively convey the key features and benefits to every shopper who visits their page. Never underestimate their importance and optimize them today.

Things you need to know about Amazon bullet points:

  • On mobile, bullet points appear below the description or A+ Page. Although bullet points are below the folds, they are still above the reviews and no customer is going to buy your product without reading the reviews. As a result, they will read the bullet points as well.

  • Vendors can have 10 bullet points and sellers can have up to 5. Most vendors don't know that they can have more than 5 bullet points as 5 is the maximum number allowed on Amazon's product setup sheets. However, more bullets can be added from the "Edit Detail" page.

  • Even though vendors can add more bullet points, they don't have many characters to work with. Sellers can add up to 500 characters in each bullet point, whereas vendors can add up to 255 characters. Please note that the character limit will change according to the category.

Make your bullet points from blah to blam with these actionable tips

#1: Stuff Carefully add the keywords you couldn't add in the title

If you have done your Amazon keyword research correctly, you have a lot of keywords that could be used in your listing. And there is still a pretty long list of keywords left even after you have used them in your title. Your bullet points are the best place to capitalize on the remaining keywords. Now you may be thinking, "Does Amazon's algorithm even uses keyword from bullet point for ranking purposes?" Well, Amazon says, "No." However, several Amazon seller experts, including us, believe that adding keywords in your listing helps you rank better. So you shouldn't miss adding keywords in the bullets. One word of caution: by adding keywords, I don't mean keyword stuffing. It's all about maintaining balance. Title is the place for keyword stuffing. But keywords in your bullet points should be smartly places in such a way that the shoppers and Amazon's A9 algorithm both like it.Here's how keyword stuffing in the title looks like:

Storefront Design

And here's what incorporating keywords in bullet points look like:

storefront Design services

See the difference? Your title consists of more than 9-10 high volume keywords, while each bullet point should not have more than 1-2 keywords. Amazon's algorithm gives more favors relevance more than the volume, so it would be better to add 8-10 hard-hitting keywords in the bullet points. Another important thing to keep in mind is that you should avoid using the keywords used in your title in your bullet points. This way, you will be able to rank better for more keywords.

#2: Write for the customer

amazon consulting agency

You know your product inside out, but your shoppers don't. They see their product differently and have a limited understanding of the technical specifications. If your Amazon optimization copy is too geeky, then it might offset the shopper and they will lose interest too soon. Don't write complex content that is difficult to understand and digest. Your language should be simple and persuasive while also being fun to read because no one likes to read boring sentences. Before writing your bullet points, look at the reviews and the customer question and answer section. This will give you an insight into the features and points customers look out for before making a purchase decision. If your listing has no reviews yet, take a look at competitors' listing and, most importantly, look at what their customers are saying about their product.

#3: Keep headers ALL CAPS

Headers are important because some shoppers are too lazy to read the rest of the content and making headers all caps is important because it instantly attracts attention. Don't believe us? Take a look at the example below:

Without headers

  • You will love how Saucy Lips pineapple sauce instantly transforms your everyday dishes into something exotic.

  • The little-sweet, little-sour flavor of our Thai curry sauce makes it equally suitable for dinner, dessert and everything in between.

  • Every day will be a cheat day when you have our hot pineapple sauce in your pantry alongside your protein stack.

  • Our customers are always amazed at how incredibly fresh this sauce is! Secret: We only use the good stuff.At Saucy Lips, we keep our pineapple sauce free from the eight most common food allergens so that you can cook your meals worry-free.

With headers:

  • MAKE YOUR MEALS FROM TYPICAL TO TROPICAL: You will love how Saucy Lips pineapple sauce instantly transforms your everyday dishes into something exotic.

  • ADD A LITTLE SUNSHINE TO YOUR RECIPES: The little-sweet, little-sour flavor of our Thai curry sauce makes it equally suitable for dinner, dessert and everything in between.

  • FLAVOR HEAVY & NOT SUGAR HEAVY: Every day will be a cheat day when you have our hot pineapple sauce in your pantry alongside your protein stack.

  • SMALL INGREDIENT LIST, GREAT TASTE: Our customers are always amazed at how incredibly fresh this sauce is! Secret: We only use the good stuff.

  • FOR FOODIES WHO HAVE ALLERGIES: At Saucy Lips, we keep our pineapple sauce free from the eight most common food allergens so that you can cook your meals worry-free.

Notice how just by adding the headers and making them all caps instantly makes them easy to read!

#4: Focus on benefits and not features

As mentioned above, your customers are not familiar with your product the way you are. So throwing all the technical product details at them won't work. In fact they aren't even interested. They are here to search for a product that is the answer to their problem. If your copy seems to resolve their issue, they will buy it and if your copy just brags about the features, your shoppers won't bother staying on the listing.

The features first approach: Infused with omega 3, 6 and 9, linoleic acid, copper and zincThe benefits first approach: Promotes a shinier coat and healthy skin

Here is an example of bullet points that are crafted using a benefits-driven approach:

Focus on benefits and not features

#5: Skimmability is the key

Skimmability is the key

The average attention span of customers in just 8 seconds (or less). All the efforts you make to write your copy ultimately boils down to the first five seconds. In these crucial moments, you should be able to quickly provide shoppers with all the relevant information. Because you get 500 characters doesn't necessarily mean that you should write all of it. It will make your listing too cluttered and honestly, this is TMI for the shoppers. Longer bullet points aren't always better and neither are shorter. The sweet spot we have found is around 255 characters per bullet point. This works out to show three lines of text per bullet point on Amazon on desktop and won't turn into a giant blob of content on mobile. Oh yes, keep each bullet point for one thing only. This will add to its readability.

#6: Be honest

Be honest

Marketing your product as the #bestproductever sounds great, but it doesn't work. You aren't just cheating with your customer, but your listing can also be flagged by Amazon for making baseless claims. When your product falls short of customer expectations, they can also leave a negative review. So don't pant your products in bright colors; instead, highlight the USPs of your product, how your product is different from the competitors and how your customers can use your product.


Bullet points are unarguably the most elements of a listing and because of their prominent placement, they are one of the very first things a customer sees on your listing. So it is essential that you don't squander with your bullet points by including too little/no information. If you find any difficulty creating compelling bullet points and product descriptions for Amazon, eStore Factory can takeover. Our Amazon Consultants have perfected the art of creating copies that sell.