Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $72,946.41
- Total Ordered Items: 2871
- PPC Sales: $33,991.66
- PPC ACOS: 24.8%
Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $107,302.74
- Total Ordered Items: 4251
- PPC Sales: $46,751.57
- PPC ACOS: 20.63%
Here’s everything we did to get the results:
- Created some new PPC campaigns & merged the ones that were generating low sales in order to decrease the overall spend
- Backend search terms of all the listings were changed in order to get more visibility of our products & increase the organic ranking
- Creating of highly targeted campaigns for high selling products
- Micro-level campaign management by comparing Click vs. Spend vs. Conversion Rates.
- Running a promotional giveaway to increase customer awareness