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3X Orders with Decreased ACoS

3X Orders with Decreased ACoS

3X Orders with Decreased ACoS

Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: $51,762.64

  • Total Ordered Items: 598

  • PPC Sales: $27,652.42

  • PPC ACOS: 20.63%

Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: $135,032.03

  • Total Ordered Items: 1,278

  • PPC Sales: $83,081.69

  • PPC ACOS: 12.69%

Here’s everything we did to get the results:

  • We recommended the client for creating A+ content for all of our products

  • Apart from running regular PPC campaigns, we have tried targeting not only the ASINs of the competitors but their keywords as well

  • We are using their brand keywords as well in our PPC campaigns to grow our sales

  • Harvesting profitable keywords from the Brand Analytics dashboard and targeting the keywords with a high conversion rate

  • Continuous analysis of search term reports and negative keyword harvesting to reduce ad spend