Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $2,523.74
- Total Ordered Items: 35
- PPC Sales: $1,030.94
- PPC ACOS: 58.98%
Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $12,182.29
- Total Ordered Items: 188
- PPC Sales: $8,878.08
- PPC ACOS: 32.13%
Here’s everything we did to get the results:
- Built and defined a comprehensive advertising strategy that included a combination of Sponsored Product, Brand & Display Ads
- Optimizing the existing catalogue to boost conversions
- Sponsored Product Ads helped improve overall search ability, Sponsored Brand Ads increased brand awareness & Sponsored Display helped us target customers on competitor’s detail page
- Creation of highly targeted campaigns to highlight high selling products and improve sale in low selling products
- Addition of negative keywords to reduce spend