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Doubled the Sales with 60% Decreased ACoS

Doubled the Sales with 60% Decreased ACoS

Doubled the Sales with 60% Decreased ACoS

Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: $10,221.10

  • Total Ordered Items: 505

  • PPC Sales: $1,225.14

  • PPC ACOS: 41.97%

Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:

  • Total Sales: $25,823.59

  • Total Ordered Items: 1310

  • PPC Sales: $1,427.64

  • PPC ACOS: 15.72%

Here’s everything we did to get the results:

  • To reduce and keep the ACOS in control, we paused non-converting keywords and added negative keywords every week

  • We tracked keywords in Helium10 Keyword Tracker to get an idea about the ranking of each keyword

  • Targeted campaigns made with reverse ASIN keyword research of our competitors

  • Creation of automatic campaigns to collect crucial data like search terms and negative keywords

  • Replenishing the backend search term fields in the product to improve organic visibility