Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $4,250.05
- Total Ordered Items: 237
- PPC Sales: $2,900.67
- PPC ACOS: 59.30%
Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:
- Total Sales: $10,285.54
- Total Ordered Items: 487
- PPC Sales: $4,826.98
- PPC ACOS: 59.76%
Here’s everything we did to get the results:
- Clubbing the variations to increase cross selling on color and size variations
- Harvesting profitable keywords from the Brand Analytics dashboard and targeting the keywords with high conversion rate
- Constant tweaking on a daily basis to avoid surprises in the form of increased ACOS or low sales
- Thorough analysis of the search term report and targeting negative keywords to decrease spend
- Targeting competitor’s product with Sponsored Display ads to lure customers off their product detail pages